Pandemic Sim
Data & AI, Misc
This project is my graduation thesis from University of Turin. It's a
pandemic simulation system that enables the user to simulate various types of pandemics and manage scientific and social parameters
that can vary during the simulation
AbcLabs Landing Page
Landing page del sito web della mia startup aperta nel 2021 con due colleghi universitari.
Lading page of my startup that I founded in 2021 with two university colleagues.
This website contains the list of Our works, the list of our prices and our contact form with management of privacy and anti-spam checks.
AbcLabs Panel
Backend, Web, Architecture
This panel is the core of our startup business.
With this panel the clients can access all the data about their websites and conveniently manage all of theirs invoices and their payments.
This backend also takes charge in managing with Stripe all of the subscriptions and recurrent payments of all our clients. It is developed in NodeJs and deployed on a custom server that we configured fully.
R-Place Clone
Backend, Web, Architecture
This small project was an exercise in the use of Redis for fast and dynamic data access.
It is a copy of the famous R-Place, an annual event hosted by Reddit where many clients compete in the colouring of a blank canvas.
Mine was developed with Java Spring and Redis with a simple FE web developed with vanilla JS. The project is dockerizable and can be easily deployed on the cloud.
Calendar optimization
Data & AI, Misc
Project developed with the University of Turin. The objective is using linear programming to create a software that can optimize the exam session pianification
working on the teacher's preferences and availability but taking in consideration also the optimal distance between assignments.
Maze Runner
Data & AI, Web
Project developed at the University of Turin, it uses logic
programming (PROLOG) and the use of heuristics to explore a maze with the objective of reaching all
the checkpoints pinned with the graphic interface
Pandemic Sim
Data & AI, Misc
AbcLabs Website
AbcLabs Panel
Backend, Web, Architecture
R-Place Clone
Backend, Web, Architecture
Calendar Optimization
Data & AI, Misc
Maze Runner
Data & AI, Web